Tuesday, April 10, 2012

First Timmer

Well as you can tell, this is my first time blogging. I just had the need to start this blog because there is a lot of blogging about this devastating genetic disorder. Now this is not a way to gain pity, that is one thing that Dominic's view on life is that everything will turn out OK. Now with that being said, lets start from the beginning. The year was 2004 after going to Kansas for Christmas talked to Dominic's pediatrician about the way he walked and climbed. She told us that she wanted to run some test and in February for 2004 he was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Two years later we moved to Kansas and life went on. Six children later we had Christian. When he was born I was worried about him having DMD also and I just kept it to myself. When he started to walk late I just felt awful and I knew that he had it. Well he is now 2 years old and we now have started to have him tested. I know what the test are going to show and well that is why I have started this blog. 

Now I would like to introduce the Bailey Clan. 

Top picture has Clinton (hubby) Me, Christian (in daddy's arm) 
left to right: Dominic, Alejandra, Bryanna, Magdelene, Rachel.

bottom picture is new baby Gabriella. 

enjoy the pictures!

Until next time 

Lovinmomma Cecilia Bailey